Ben Mirov


People say I have the touch

but I don’t see how my touch

is different than anyone else’s.

I touch four or five

brand new bibles

and feel exactly the same.

I run my hands over a Volvo

and detect no angels descending.

A woman brings her child to me

and I poke him in the third eye.

Thank you so much, she says

I never thought we’d get that thing

to close up and disappear.

At the end of the workday

I gaze at my hands

my ordinary hands and whisper,


Tomorrow, my little ones.

The light bulbs. The parking meter.

Chopsticks. Grass.

Benjamin Yoshimitsu Mirov is the author of ghost machines (Slope Editions, 2016), Hider

Roser (Octopus Books, 2012) and GHOST MACHINE (Caketrain, 2010). He grew up in

Northern California and lives in Oakland.